Cervical spine osteochondrosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in a man

According to statistics, more than 80% of the world population suffers from a disease like osteochondrosis, which affects different parts of the spine. Each type of pathology has its own symptoms and factors that lead to its occurrence. And cervical spine pathology is no exception. The factors that led to you having osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the symptoms and treatment of the condition - these problems must be resolved by a qualified specialist. At the first sign of discomfort, contact usneurologist. . . A timely selected course of treatment will avoid serious and unpleasant consequences.

What is cervical spine osteochondrosis?

The first thing worth mentioning is the age of patients who are diagnosed with the disease. Until recently, the pathology was detected in the elderly, but now the younger generation is faced with a problem and seeks doctors. The disease consists of pathological changes in the intervertebral discs and dystrophy of the spine in general, especially without treatment. The cervical region is the most mobile and consists of 7 vertebrae, each composed of a fibrous ring and a nucleus pulposus. Vertebrae affected by osteochondrosis lose their usual mobility and flexibility. There is a redistribution of charge, as a result of which the fibrous rings can move and crack. Left untreated, neck osteochondrosis can lead to intervertebral hernia formation and other consequences.

Stages of osteochondrosis (brief description)

Like any disease, cervical osteochondrosis has stages of development that are taken into account by the doctor when drawing up a treatment plan and that the patient must know to seek help at the right time. There are 4 phases:

  • The first is characterized by mild, mild pain that increases with head rotation.
  • The second stage is characterized by: severe pain syndrome, in which discomfort can spread from the neck to the arms. In this phase, the nerve endings are pinched, so that the person, in addition to the pain, feels weak, develops a general feeling of poor health.
  • In the third stage, the pain syndrome does not go away and radiates to the arms or shoulders, and an intervertebral hernia can also be diagnosed. In some cases, there is loss of sensation in the hands and decreased mobility in the neck.
  • In the fourth stage, not only changes in the injured vertebra are diagnosed, but its almost complete destruction. The patient is constantly tormented by severe pain, tinnitus appears, he begins to navigate in space badly.

The symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in men and women may differ due to physiology, which must be taken into account by the physician when designing a treatment plan.


Cervical osteochondrosis occurs in a variety of but very specific circumstances. During treatment, the doctor must discover the cause of the condition in order to begin wrestling not only with the symptoms, but also with the factor that caused the illness.

Heavy weight

Excess weight puts pressure on the body. The larger it is, the stronger the charge. Oftentimes, being overweight causes the development of osteochondrosis, as there is strong spinal injury due to overload, especially in diseased areas. When a disease is detected, one of the first steps in overweight patients is to get rid of it. Along with a complex treatment, of course.

Sitting work, lack of mobility

Sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle, lack of moderate physical activity are factors that lead to poor posture, incorrect load distribution in the cervical and other parts. Often office workers and those who just like to sit on the couch at home take the wrong position, exacerbating the problem.

previous spinal injuries

Injuries can happen for any reason, most often car accidents and accidents. The neck is also one of the vulnerable areas for divers and professional swimmers. With a neck injury, many parts and areas of that spine are damaged: muscles, ligaments, sympathetic trunk, discs and intervertebral joints, as well as spinal roots. Any trauma suffered can either cause the appearance of osteochondrosis in the already "diseased" part of the cervical spine, or lead to the appearance of osteochondrosis as a consequence.

Mental problems

An unstable mental state, stress and constant anxiety are the causes of many health problems, even becoming triggering factors for cervical osteochondrosis. Many patients who complain of pain syndrome also report signs of depression, constant fatigue, and emotional exhaustion. The mental disorders themselves can arise due to the presence of osteochondrosis and aggravate the disease. Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease that physically affects the condition of the vertebrae, discs, ligaments and surrounding soft tissue. Due to the shifting of the vertebrae and the narrowing of the channels, less oxygen enters the brain and the blood flow is disturbed, which not only leads to physical illnesses, but also to mental disorders.

poor physical preparation

Every day, of course, and as a rule, the same muscles are involved in our movements, and those that remain immobile gradually lose their elasticity and mobility, which, when exposed to external factors, can cause injuries, including in the neck. Moderate physical activity is essential for everyone to strengthen the muscular corset and reduce the risk of injury. Other causes of cervical osteochondrosis include metabolic disorders, excessive physical activity, heredity, and body pathologies and diseases.

disease symptoms

Cervical osteochondrosis can be easily distinguished from pathology elsewhere in the spine by its symptoms. This is because the neck vertebrae are too close together and symptoms are pronounced when a problem occurs, including osteochondrosis. Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms - now more about the main one:

  • the pain syndrome of variable intensity can be located in the neck, head, shoulders, arms, etc. ;
  • weakness, numbness, and poor sensitivity of the hands due to pinched nerve roots;
  • Difficulty turning the head and popping when turning (this occurs due to structural changes in the intervertebral discs);
  • feeling unwell, weak, generally unwell due to impaired blood flow and insufficient oxygen saturation;
  • the last stage is characterized by hearing and visual impairment.

If symptoms appear, you should see a doctor and start treatment.

Why is osteochondrosis dangerous?

If the disease is left untreated, the entire body is at risk for serious complications. The small cervical region contains a large number of nerves and arteries that connect and supply the brain and organs and systems below the neck. If the functioning of the cervical vertebrae is impaired, the nutrition of the entire organism will also be impaired. Cervical osteochondrosis can cause decreased motor activity, stroke, cardiac ischemia and other diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as protrusion and problems with vision and hearing.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

To start the treatment, the doctor needs to take an anamnesis, discover the causes and time of onset of the discomfort in the neck, and carry out the necessary tests to have a complete clinical picture of your health. How and how to treat cervical osteochondrosis and if there is a cure, only the doctor will tell you, so don't delay your appointment and make an appointment with a therapist or neurologist.


One of the first steps is the selection, prescription and administration of medications: analgesics and anti-inflammatories, in order to alleviate the painful syndrome and the existing inflammations and infections. The type and number of medications are selected individually.


Any physical therapy procedures are aimed at relieving pain syndrome, muscle spasms and reducing inflammation. As physiotherapy, the following are used: acupuncture, manual manipulation, hirudotherapy, shock wave therapy, etc.


Therapeutic exercises are prescribed to patients after the exacerbation stage has passed. These measures aim to restore normal functioning of the cervical spine and prevent deterioration of the condition.

home treatments

Home treatment methods may include self-massage and exercise therapy, which should be selected and prescribed by specialists. The procedures can only be performed after the demonstration of the technique by the attending physicians.


Neck massage is performed without strong pressure and twists, the movements should be smooth and performed along the lymphatic flow. Experts use a variety of techniques that include stroking, squeezing, rubbing and kneading. Professional massage should only be performed by specialists. Surgery is chosen only when conservative methods do not work. The treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is usually done at home and only gives the necessary result and the elimination of symptoms if the recommendations and conduct prescribed by the doctor are followed.


Doctors recommend choosing furniture (chairs, armchairs, etc. ) as well as a sleeping place with good support for the spine. Sleeping on an orthopedic mattress and low pillows is recommended. A sauna, steam bath and hot shower help to relieve muscle spasms (if not contraindicated). As physical activity, swimming, yoga, walking are recommended, but it is necessary to exclude a strong load on the spine (running, jumping, lifting weights, etc. ). If you have a sedentary job, take breaks more often and do some exercise.